Another day, another opportunity to
Be involved in our
Discovering new-found talents and defining who we are as a church
Enjoying sweet potato biscuits early in the morning
Fellowshiping with our family of faith
Going out and giving back
Helping with our hands and hearts
Inviting all to
Join in joyfully
Keeping watch for kindnesses yet to be done
Leaving fingerprints while showing love
Making a difference in a morning
Neighbor helping neighbor
Opening a toy shop and opening our hearts
Painting and planting, piecing together blankets and pillows, preparing soup
Quickly but not so quietly
Raking and baking, mowing and sewing
Stuffing hygiene kits and goodie bags
Understanding that much is required of those who have been given much
Volunteering time and talents . . . and our blood
Wondering what’s left to be done and wishing we could do more
X-traordinary people
Young and old, praying for
Zest for the mission and another day,
another chance to be involved . . .